Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back of the Lake

We had a stellar day climbing at the back of the lake yesterday and a good time was had by all. The weather was perfect and projects were getting worked on. We "beat our heads on the rock" as my friend Greg says as we tried and flailed on a few steep climbs. Classic routes and great people is my favourite kind of time.

Mike on "Incomplete" 12+- This climbs amazingingly.

Of course, the Lake.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Mt. Tupper and Mt. Sifton- Hermit Alpine

Just got back from a great couple of days of mountaineering in that cradle of mountaineering, Rogers Pass. Jeff and I loaded up the KIA, shot down the highway bright and early with a big coffee in hand and mega stoke on the mind. We hiked up to the Hermit alpine, pitched a camp and continued up the classic west ridge of Tupper. A good dinner ensued as the clouds crept in and the scotch was sipped. Saturday dawned a bit cloudy and we sat it out before the sun arrived again. A quick loop up a ridge on Sifton and down a snowfield before heading back to camp, brewing up a nice coffee and blasting down the trail to the awaiting cold beers in the creek. Another good trip to the Selkirks with good company.
Jeff doing his alpine moves.
Wonderful Sifton ridge.
Camp in paradise.


West Ridge of Tupper.
Classic times on classic routes and a good start to the season.