What a ride its been these last few months! First and probably biggest was my transition from retail man to rep man. After 5 years on the floor as a buyer and manager I took a Job as a sales representative with my friend Rob Owens for a number of focused outdoor companies namely Patagonia, Petzl, Ambler, Sea to summit, orthsoles, Oboz, Julbo and Adventure Medical Kits. So far its been great and the learning is sure to not stop for a long, long time. I have been on the road, coffee and big grimace on hand as of late, here is a glimpse....

Lately I have really gotten the ice bug and every chance I get I have been trying to get out there and swing the tools a bit.

Early Season Louise Falls with Drew "MIB" Henman.

Grotto Mtn, Playground. The very wholesome Jen Olsen putting the rope up for Mike and I.

While in Ventura,CA for patagonia sales meetings I got the chance to head out to the fabled desert scapes that is Joshua Tree. We dodged the sun, climbed a few classics, drank some nice grapes and enjoyed great company in that desert we did. Like all S.cal climbing zones I felt like I was climbing for the first time and It was a blast to get royaly spanked on routes that Royal Robbins probably soloed in 63' with pocketed hands...soo nice!

We did stumble upon quite a scene atop of one of the formations in that O' so glorious mecca of JTree. An annual meet for San Diego climbers was taking place on the summit of intersection rock. There is something to be said for topping out on left ski track only to be met by a rag tag and rather jovial assortment of characters, I am just not sure what it is? Either way I enjoyed the candy that roller girl was handing out even though the general feel of the place gave me a feeling I have not had since all night dance parties when I was 16.
J tree is a special place, full of special people.