The last couple of weeks were spent travelling through the mountains, fields and highways of BC for work. I count myself lucky for having such a great place to work and although the hours spend on the road add up into frighteningly large numbers, I would do nothing else right now. It has taken me to places that I would never travel to on my own accord, a good by-product!
Tofin Wharf. Hours can be spent wandering Wharfs, looking at boats and inter-tidals- wondering how it all works.
Beaver in Tofino- The long standing heavy hitter of the bush plane community. In Alaska, after getting dropped off on a glacier by one of these beauties we watched as a Cessna 180 Power Wagon endoed into a crevasse. With the tail sticking out like legs from a barrel, our pilot and also owner of said crashed plane looked at me and said "Well, we just bought that plane- didn't even pay for a tank of gas yet". I could tell it was not a good day for Paul.
Erin at "Big Daddy's fish fry", amazing soup here and pretty OK halibut wraps. Big Daddy was mysteriously missing this trip but I do remember him from last time I was in Tof, a large man suitable for the name. Instead, momma was manning the stand- all smiles.
A great coffee shop. I have zeroed in on some of the best coffee shops on the coast, this trip I had the pleasure of enjoying many a good cup with my friends.
Behind the Tofitian lies the Tacofina, probably the best taco's I've ever had. I haven't been to mexico for taco's but Erin has...she thought these were pretty damn good taco's. I believe her.
Hayden a few weeks back.
You might notice that my posts of late are void of activity of any kind. Well, after a minor shoulder injury a few months ago I have been laying low, cooking and bike riding. Just enjoying life's simple rewards. Ski season is on the horizon and I want to be tip top for that, I don't mind a little rest sometimes. Listening to good music, having good conversations with friends and drinking some great wine is good too.