Yesterday I was not planning to go skiing at all, in fact I was planning on a focused driving session to Vernon to setup for a couple of days of work. I actually made a mental note "don't go skiing" the night before. For no other reason than I was booked into an unfamiliar space in Vernon and so with that, uncertainty weighed in as to the set up time involved. I have definitely been pummeled by this feature in the past. Going skiing meant a potential all nighter of set up followed by very energetic presentations the following day - doable but approaching full-on. Not skiing meant no skiing and skiing..
Long story short, I went skiing.
When I turned the bend at the pass I pretty much had my mind made up. I sped into the visitors center, grabbed a permit for the Griz, changed out of my Levi's and into my ski gear and soldiered up at a rugged pace.
I reached the alpine and could hardly believe my eyes, 500M of un tracked POW lay before me...did I say U N T R A C K E D? Yup.
I wasn't expecting much but man o' man Ullr was there to help me wit this mission..
I shroped the main path like Han Solo, hooting and hollering past others on the up track, others skiing down and who knows what else. I was too busy tapping into my power animal's leg strength and enjoying the moment, laughing and giggling all the way down.
At the Modern Cafe in Revelstoke I enjoyed a great espresso/panini combination and settled into the idea of driving once again..