The forecast for the range was bleak. -30 temps and winds were in the future, skiing and climbing cast to the wayside in favour of a good book or libation. When Thursday night rolled around I called Jason who had been out the last few days and who could hopefully erase any question marks. I cant remember exactly what was said on that call but words like "epic runs", "thigh deep", "shredding the gnar" and "bomber stability" may have been spoken. Trepidation turned to glory as we saddled up and drove west towards mecca. For Ian and I it would be the first gnar day of the year but for the other guys it was merely icing on the gnar cake, they were on day 3 in a was just too good to not go skiing. In no time we were up in the alpine and chasing the white smoke from gully to gully, soaking it all in and trying to wipe the large smiles off our shiny faces. On Saturday we went back to Emerald lake with an even bigger posse, this time to the slide path proper where knee deep powder was had by all as we lapped a beautiful alpine bowl realizing once again that the sun always shines in pow country.
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