Well, just got back from a great ski tour with friends over some big Rockies real estate. We flew from Golden with Don at Alpine Helicopters where he dropped us off at the high col between Mts Nanga Parbat and Gigit at about 3000m. We skied a few runs, climbed a couple of cols, summited a minor peak and generally enjoyed the winter conditions and snow before exiting out the Freshfield drainage to the Howse river valley and soon after, taking a turn to the west to the Blaeberry valley. From here it was a jaunt up Wildcat creek to Mistaya Lodge and soon after- the familiar Wapta icefield. An amazing adventure with great folks.
These are all in reverse order, coming down from Bow Hut- Almost done.
Mistaya Alpine, Day 5
Creek fun in the Blaeberry Valley
Good melt freeze travel in the Howse Valley
Dry out in BC
Good isothermic fun
Wonderful turns down the lower Freshfield Glacier
Jeff, a great fella
Down the serac to the lower Freshfield
Johnny O
Sweet turns, upper Freshfield Glacier
Jason, cant wait till next years big tour!!
Mt. Mummery
Flight In
What a great trip for a great bunch of guys! Glad it all worked out and that's another classic mtn. adventure in the books that you can look back at with fond memories.
take care,
I gotta say, the is one hell of a trip... Congrats on pulling it off.
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