In case you haven't had the chance to get outside over the last few days, let me tell you the conditions are all time right now in these beloved Rockies of ours. I had a chance to get a few nice days in lately, ski great lines and enjoy good company of friends before a full day of work. This usually involves 4:30 wake ups, 2-4 espresso shots and a 12m/p min up-track pace will leave us sweating in our baggie pants and going through liquids while trying hard to beat the sunshine, fast approaching.
Observation Peak - Backside
Craig, Ivo and Zach after skiing a nice E facing line on the back of Observation. We regrouped at the bottom, looked across valley and saw another tasty-tasty shot we needed to visit. A quick bootpack, some easy ridge climbing and so stellar views brought us to our next shot - a nice mini-couloir.
Ridge and the magic of the alpine.
Getting ready to drop into it..
3-2-1 dropping! There were some Wolverine tracks coming across valley and down this couloir which Craig felt was a very solid indicator of stability. We have followed Wolverine tracks in whiteouts, over 10,000 foot passes and over tricky forested terrain - they ALWAYS pick the best place to go..those smart wolverines.
After this wonderful thing, we shot NE and up a 450m S facing bowl to reveal a 1000m shot down to the forest and soon after, the highway. Nice to log about 1460 M in the alpine and enjoy the truly exceptional conditions right now.
Bow Peak Couloir - AKA Granddaddy AKA Mostly Hidden Chute AKA ER 8
Had a great morning hiking to the top (cornice) of this local classic 'couly' with friends. We found it to be in good shape with a slough track all the way to the top making for good travel. We found an excellent supportive and progressive mid-pack, we also found rugged ski conditions due to the choppy debris. As usual, skiing the fan was a dreamy affair.
Zach and Ivo coming across the fan, amazing to feel comfortable on this slope in Feb.
Nearing the top..
Looking down, some nice turns here before things got choppy and one had to impose decisive action in the form of jump turns.
Nothing can be done without partners and I have some great ones. Thanks to Zach, Ivo and Craig.
Enjoy, ski friends!
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