Sunday, May 27, 2012

last day of the season

Had a great last day of the season skiing among giants on the icefields de Columbia, more accurately; the easy and on this day, sunny slopes of Mt. Andromeda. Was lucky to join friends Ty, Chris and Zach. So many good days this year on the planks and no doubt a lot of this has to do with people of excellent quality.
 Does this seem at all odd?
After a brief sprint for about 200 m under the worst of the serac band, a respite is warranted before the last haul up the ramp and onto the 'neve' proper. From here jaw hits ground and vista's fantastical abound at every glance.
Tasty couloir, likely never to love the Rockies.
Unmamed 10000+ foot peak and our up track.
Summit ridge..
Good times. This was Chris' first big peak and it went supa smooth.

A great year of skiing,  52 days touring and approx 250k '' of vertical..


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