Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Brunser

Had a great day in Squamish with my friend Cory on Sunday climbing some classics in Murrin Park and scratching our granite itch, what an itch it is. Murrin is my favourite cragging spot in Squamish, hands down. The long technical and fantastical gear battles on Nightmare Rock, the hope of one day leading the shoulder eating "hypertension" and the many super-classics like washington bullets and the Brunser Overhang. Oh... The Brunser....

Everytime I come to Murrin I am drawn to this route. The headjamming, the delicate smearing, the burl and mostly the thrill of latching the "thank god" bucket hold on the top of the route, cutting your feet loose and screaming for allah, eternal sunshine or just the joy of the french fries you will soon be eating. Brunser has got to be one of my favourites there.

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