Monday, August 25, 2008

Mt. Aberdeen- North Glacier

On Friday it was once again time to assemble the posse and head up into the alpine. Zack, Amitae and I had a great day up on Mt. Aberdeen in Lake Louise  swinging ice tools, belaying across newly bridged crevasses and generally just having a good time. From 6am it pretty much involved the whole day to get up to the glory rock ridge which led up to the summit where we high fived and snapped a few photos before trundling south wards into the amazing Paradise Valley and the ensuing bushwack. Once the creek was reached it was easy sailing and we made good time getting to Moraine Lake road, not before seeing a big bull moose licking his chops and staring us down  before continuing into the creek. From the road I did a quick hitch hike to our car in Lake Louise where we raided the gas station for edibles, a stellar day!

The lower tongue of the Aberdeen glacier, ice climbing in August.

On the upper glacier.

Zack and Amitae just below the bergschrund, 4 pitches left to the summit.

Zack on the small steep part with a bit of rock on the left, the best combo!

A happy team, Mt. Temple in the back ground.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ross, you and your climbing buds are amazing........looks like another stellar day for you and the guys. Take care, and hope to see you and Michelle soon.
